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nose to the grindstone中文是什么意思

用"nose to the grindstone"造句"nose to the grindstone"怎么读"nose to the grindstone" in a sentence


  • 用功读书
  • "nose"中文翻译    n. 1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅觉。 2.香气;气味 ...
  • "grindstone"中文翻译    n. 磨石;【机械工程】砂轮形磨石。 hold [kee ...
  • "s nose to the grindstone" 中文翻译 :    鼻子冲着磨刀石(专心工作)
  • "keeone’s nose to the grindstone" 中文翻译 :    不停地工作; 埋头苦干
  • "grindstone" 中文翻译 :    n. 磨石;【机械工程】砂轮形磨石。 hold [keep] one's [sb.'s] nose to the grindstone 不断折磨自己[某人],使自己[某人]埋头辛苦地劳动。
  • "artificial grindstone" 中文翻译 :    人造磨石
  • "ceramic grindstone" 中文翻译 :    烧结磨石
  • "elastic grindstone" 中文翻译 :    弹性磨具
  • "grindstone dresser" 中文翻译 :    刻石刀,刻石锉轮; 磨石刻槽器
  • "grindstone dust" 中文翻译 :    磨削屑
  • "grindstone island" 中文翻译 :    格赖恩斯通岛
  • "grindstone pit" 中文翻译 :    磨木机浆坑; 磨石吉; 磨石井
  • "grindstone pt" 中文翻译 :    格赖恩斯通角
  • "grindstone with chest" 中文翻译 :    带罩壳砂轮
  • "grindstone-trough" 中文翻译 :    磨刀石水盘
  • "natural grindstone" 中文翻译 :    天然磨石
  • "water grindstone" 中文翻译 :    水磨石
  • "belt-driven wet grindstone" 中文翻译 :    皮带传动水磨机
  • "by a nose" 中文翻译 :    以少许之差; 以些微之差
  • "no nose" 中文翻译 :    没有鼻子
  • "nose" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅觉。 2.香气;气味 (of)。 3.管口,筒口,枪口,喷嘴;前缘,头部;船头;【航空】机首;【高尔夫球】球棒头;水雷(等)头。 4.地角,突出部。 5.〔英俚〕(警察的)暗探,探员。 the bridge of the nose 鼻梁。 a vegetable nose 蒜头鼻子。 an aquiline nose 鹰鼻,钩鼻。 as plain as the nose in [on] one's face 非常明白,一清二楚。 bite sb.'s nose off 气势汹汹地回答某人。 bloody sb.'s nose 伤害某人自尊心,挫伤某人。 blow one's nose 擤鼻子。 by a nose [美国]以少许之差(输赢)。 cannot see beyond one's nose 鼠目寸光。 count noses 数赞成人数;单依人数来决定事情。 cut [bite] off one's nose to spite one's face 拿自己出气;跟自己过不去;为了跟别人呕气而伤害自己。 follow one's nose 笔直走;依本能行动,任性而行。 have a good nose 鼻子灵,嗅觉敏感。 have a nose for news 善于采访新闻。 hold one's nose 捏鼻子。 in spite of sb.'s nose 不顾某人反对。 keep one's nose clean 〔美国〕不喝酒。 keep [put, hold] one's [sb.'s] nose to the grindstone 使自己[某人]埋头苦干。 lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人鼻子走。 look down one's nose at 〔口语〕藐视。 make a long nose at (把拇指搁在鼻端,其余四指张开)对某人表示轻蔑,嘲弄某人。 make one's nose swell 令人羡慕,使人忌妒。 measure noses 遇见。 nose of wax 随人摆布的人[东西]。 not to be able to see beyond one's nose [see no further than one's nose ] 眼光短浅〔转〕鼠目寸光。 nose to nose 面对面。 on the nose 〔俚语〕 1. (赛马)跑第一。 2. 准确,恰,正。 parson's nose 〔比喻〕(煮熟的)鸡鸭等禽类的屁股。 pay through the nose 付出惊人巨款,花很多钱;付出很大代价。 poke [put, thrust] one's nose into (another's business) 干涉,插手别人的事情,管闲事。 put sb.'s nose out of joint 撵走某人;夺走某人的爱;破坏某人的计划;排挤某人(的职位等)。 rub sb.'s nose in it 粗暴地提醒某人别忘记他所犯的错误。 snap one's nose off = bite one's nose off. speak through one's nose 用鼻音说话。 tell noses =count noses. turn up one's nose at 瞧不起,不理会。 under one's (very) nose 就在某人面前;不顾某人不高兴。 with one's nose at the grindstone 费力地,辛辛苦苦做活[过日子等]。 with one's nose in the air 神气活现,自高自大。 vt. 1.闻;用鼻子品评(酒)等。 2. 嗅出,闻出;探出,侦探出,看出 (out)。 3.(船等)以头部探(路)小心前进。 4.用鼻子触[擦、塞入]。 5.〔古语〕反对。 6.用鼻音说[唱]。 nose a job in everything 事事都想捞一手。 The ship nosed her way through the winding channel. 船在蜿蜒的海峡中小心驶过。 vi. 1.闻,嗅 (at about)。 2.探索,打听 (after for) 干涉 (into a matter)。 3.(船等)小心探索着前进。 4.【地质学;地理学】倾斜 (in) 露出 (out)。 5.〔英国〕送报告,出告。 nose ahead 〔美运〕以少许之差领前。 nose down [up]【航空】机首朝下降落[朝上上升]。 nose out 嗅出,闻出;察觉出;〔美国〕【体育】以少量之差打败对方。 adj. -less ,-like adj.
  • "nose at" 中文翻译 :    嗅, 闻
  • "nose for" 中文翻译 :    探听
  • "nose in" 中文翻译 :    靠近码头
  • "nose into" 中文翻译 :    查探


  • If you keep your nose to the grindstone , you ’ ll succeed
  • Put one ' s nose to the grindstone
  • His large growing family kept his nose to the grindstone
  • Come on now … buck up … face the music … nose to the grindstone
  • The teacher believed in hard work and always keep our nose to the grindstone
  • The way she ' s been working weekends , she really has her nose to the grindstone
  • Jim ' s father succeeded in business by keeping his nose to the grindstone
  • I always admire men , even the dullest , who know their job and put their noses to the grindstone
  • Although they were considered underdogs the team kept it ' s nose to the grindstone and won the championship
  • It is not enough to only keep your nose to the grindstone when you follow the project , and i can take the task to you without apprehension like that you summarized and reported systematically
用"nose to the grindstone"造句  
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